Under construction
Sept. 07 - Matosinhos
Bathymetry and console test mission with ROAZ II near Matosinhos shore.
Video (xvid 23Mb) | Photos
Sept. 07 - Matosinhos
Communications and control test mission with ROAZ II near Matosinhos shore.
Videos | Photos
Aug. 07 - APDL (Leixões)
Control and propulsion tests in Leixões harbour with ROAZ II ASV.
Videos | Photos
Aug. 07 - APDL (Leixões)
ROAZ II ASV first water systems tests at Leixões harbour.
Videos | Photos
Apr. 07 - Douro River
Vision based docking mission with ROAZ ASV.
Videos | Photos
Mar. 07 - Douro River
Docking experiments with ROAZ ASV.
Videos | Photos
Feb. 07 - Douro River
Image processing tests and vision based ASV detection. ROAZ ASV.
Videos | Photos
Jan 07 - Douro River
Vision tests and experimients with ROAZ ASV .
Videos | Photos
Out 07 - NPS (Monterey) Joint Mission between NPS and USTL - FEUP
A LSA member participated in the portuguese team led by João Sousa (USTL-FEUP) in the a multiple AUV mission organized by NPS and USTL-FEUP in Moterey, US.
Videos | Mission log and photos
Sept. 06 - Douro River
AUV Docking and vision tests for ROAZ ASV .
Videos | Photos
Sept. 06 - Custoias
Vision based docking with fixed floating targets in controlled environment (swimming pool)
Videos | Photos
May 07 - Troia (NATO Swordfish06 Tech Demo)
Joint mission with USTL-FEUP and the Portguese Navy near Troia Portuguese Marine Base with a technology demonstration integrated in the NATO Swordfish06 Exercises occuring on the shore of Troia.
Videos | Photos