ISEPs Mobile Robotic Soccer Team (Robocup Middle Size Team - F2000).
This project has as primary objectives the development and research in the scientific areas of mobile robotics, cooperative control, navigation and embedded systems.
The FALCOS project, aims to develop a low cost versatile UAV (Unmaned Aerial Vehicle).
The first prototype is based on standard RC model (2.4m wingspan) equiped with sensors and on board processing power. The vehicle has 3 GPS receivers (for attitude mesurements), absolute and differential pressure sensors for altitude and wing velocity measurement, and low cost gyroscopes for short term orientation control. The CPU is a small size PC based single board computer with on board hard-disk.
The Runner Robot is a, Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), student developed multipurpose mobile platform. This robot was developed to provide a testbed for navigation and control research and education in mobile robotics.
The Learn with Robotics project is funded partially by Ciência Viva from MCT (Portuguese Ministery of Science and Technology) and its objectives are the promotion of technical education at junior level through the use of mobile robotics. A mobile robot kit was designed for this purpose. Competitions and scientific chalenges will be organized to the students in the high schools and in ISEP. The kit is to be used in a set of test high schools as teaching tool.
The laboratory is deeply commited with environmental monitoring developement. In cooperation with LSTS-FEUP, dedicated systems are currently being developed. The LSA is working in the developement of an oceanographic buoy and sensor systems.
Additionally in cooperation with the Distributed Systems Group of University of Minho, work is being developed in distributed information infra-structures for environmental monitoring remote sensor installation.
IES - Underwater Infrastructure Inspection |
LSA is sub-contracted by LSTS - FEUP (Underwater Technology and Systems Lab, Faculty of Engeneering Oporto University) to develop specific hardware subsystems to be integrated in the vehicle developed in the project IES.
This project aims to develop a highly operational underwater srutucture inspection system. This system comprises a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and the necessary operation support equipment. The vehicle has an on-board computer system and navigation sensors, providing advanced control capabilities and self-localisation.
PISCIS - Prototype of an Integrated System for Coastal waters Intensive Sampling |
LSA is sub-contracted by LSTS - FEUP (Underwater Technology and Systems Lab, Faculty of Engeneering Oporto University) to develop specific hardware subsystems to be integrated in the vehicle developed in the project PISCIS.
This project aims to develop a group of vehicles whose spatial and logic organization is controlled in such a way that the group behaves as a single entity. The vehicles has an on-board computer system and navigation sensors, providing advanced control capabilities and self-localisation.
The LSA was sub-contracted by LSTS_FEUP do develop device driver software for a computational system to be used in the Demo 2003 demonstration of the PATH project under the direction of University of California at Berkeley, USA. The dedicated computer system to be developed by FEUP is to be integrated in the autonomous truck demonstration of the PATH project.
The project objectives are to research and develop advanced technology and systems to be used in Intelligent Highway Transportation Systems, and in particular in advanced transportation systems in California, USA.