The Autonomous Systems Laboratory from ISEP participated in the 2003 edition of Festival Nacional da Robótica: Robótica 2003. This event aims to develop and promote robotics research and disseminate the results to the portuguese public in general.
It comprises a scientific meeting and several competitions aimed at different classes of participants, ranging from university researchers and students to highschool students.
LSA-ISEP was one of the major participants with more than 50 persons. These included the ISePorto Robotic Soccer Team, two University level teams (Runner and Keeper) and support to 6 highschool teams (integrated in the project Learn with Robotics) from 4 different schools in the Oporto Area.
The results were excelent being the ISePorto Team the WINNER of the Robotic Soccer Competition.
These results were:
1st Place in Robotic Soccer to ISePorto Team with the results:
ISePorto (ISEP) 2 - ISocRobo (IST/ISR) 1
ISePorto (ISEP) 3 - 5DPO (FEUP) 0
3rd Place in university class competition (UIP) to the Runner team
Award for the best robot in UIP class (Runner)
4th, 10th and best robot award in the ESP class (highschool) among others in the universe of 34 teams participating in this class. The teams from Oporto with support from LSA-ISEP and integrated in the project "Aprender com Robótica" (Learn with Robotics) came from Esc. Sec. Fontes Pereira de Melo, Esc. Sec. Oliveira Martins, Esc. Sec. Infante D. Henrique and Esc. Profissional Nª Srª Perpétuo Socorro.
See the photos from the event.
Our participation could not have been possible without the support from: