The team has participated with success in the German Open 2002 (Paderborn, Germany), Robotica 2002 (Aveiro, Portugal) and recently in the Portuguese Soccer Meeting 2003 in ISEP (Porto, Portugal), having winned several games.
The hardware is stable and the robot self localisation is being integrated in the overall team coordination. Currently the robots use the goals and flagposts for localisation purposes and we are developing the overall team navigation fusion algorithms.
A new goalkeeper robot is under developement with different hardware options from the players with rotational kicker system.
Several control maneouvers are being tested in order to take advantage of the kicker rotation and the robot particularities.
In the year 2003 and 2004 we where present at:
German Open 2003 - Paderborn, Germany (April 03)
Robotica 2003 - Lisbon, Portugal (May 03)
Robocup 2003 (World Championship) - Padua, Italy (July 03)
Robocup 2004 (World Championship - Lisbon, Portugal (June 03)
Here is a photo of our current robots, see additional photos and movies of them and their evolution in the photo section.

robot player |

goalkeeper |
You can get a Team Description Paper here.