Robótica 2005
The 5 º Nacional Robotics meeting organized by UC, will took place from 29 of April to 1 of May on Pavilhão Multi-Usos in Coimbra, Portugal.
Robótica 2005 Official Website
RoboCup 2004 / RoboCupJunior 2004
Internacional Robotics meeting organized by the Robocup Rederation, took place from 27 of June to 5 of July at FIL in Lisbon, Portugal. Besides more advanced competition, this meeting has competitions for High School students (with ages under 19 years), the RoboCupJunior 2004 (classes of Rescue, Dance and Soccer), competitions of robotic soccer e robotics demonstrations.
Rules and technical specifications of RESCUE class
Rules and technical specifications of DANCE class
Rules and technical specifications of SOCCER class
RoboCupJunior 2004 Official Website
Robótica 2004
The 4º Nacional Robotics meeting organized by ISEP and FEUP, took place from 22 to 25 of April at Pavilhão Rosa Mota in Oporto, Portugal. Besides more advanced competition, this meeting has competitions to High School students (classes of ESP, Dance, Robocup Junior), competitions of robotic soccer e robotics demonstrations.
Robótica 2004 Official Website
Robótica 2003
Several teams from the several school (Esc. Sec. Oliveira Martins, Esc. Sec. Fontes Pereira de Melo, Esc. Professional Perpétuo Socorro e Esc. Sec. Infante D. Henrique) participate in the ESP class (High Schools and Professional Schools) on Robótica 2003 - Festival Nacional de Robótica take place in Lisbon from 8 to 11 May 2003.
Photos from the participation on the Robótica 2003 can be found here and other images here.
Movie with images collected on robótica 2003 and movie with participation of ISEP teams on UIP class (with a 3º place and the best robot award to team Runner).
Rules and technical specifications of ESP class
Robótica 2003 Official Website
Robótica 2002
The 2 º Nacional Robotics meeting organized by Universidade de Aveiro, took place from 24 to 27 of April on Pavilhão Aristides Hall in Aveiro, Portugal.
Robótica 2002 Official Website
Robótica 2001
The 1 º Nacional Robotics meeting organized by Universidade do Minho, Instituto Superior Técnico and Universidade de Aveiro, took place from 25 to 28 of April on Pavilhão Francisco de Holandal in Guimarães, Portugal.
Robótica 2001 Official Website