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Here you can find useful documentation referring to your robot. You can find manuals and technical information given by the manufacture (datasheets) of several used electronic components.
Central processing board manual: manual_placa_central.pdf
Central processing board schematic: CPU_esquematico.pdf
General description of the 8051 microcontroller arquitecture (Manufacture): 80C51.pdf
General description of the 8051 microcontroller arquitecture: 8051.pdf
Used microcontroller, 89C51RD2: T89C51RD2.pdf
RS232 adaptator: MAX233.pdf
Used FPGA (Altera Flex 10K ): EPF10k.pdf
GAL for decoding of address: GAL16v8.pdf
Generic buffer: SN74HCT244.pdf
Memories: 24LC256.pdf
Infrared receptor for distance detection (bumper): IS471F.pdf
Motors power control H-bridge: TPIC0107b.pdf
MiMH battery charger: MAX713.pdf EvalKit.pdf
General description of the PIC microcontroller arquitecture: PIC.pdf
PIC microntroller used in the infrared board, PIC16F84A series: PIC16F84A.pdf