"Festival Nacional de Robótica"
Annually at national level a robotics contest is organized - "Festival Nacional de Robótica (FNR) ", carried out normally in the middle of April / May of each year.
Objectives: Promotion of the Science and Technology
- Through robotics competitions;
- It's helped by the students' mobilization at several levels of teaching.
The action of the FNR passes in an annual event in three fronts
- Competitions of robots in several proofs and categories;
- Demonstrations of robots and systems connected with robotics;
- Scientific meeting for presentation of works of students and national investigators in the area of robotics.
To cover a necessarily vast specter of the knowledges demanded beforehand to the potential participants, the competition is structured in several categories with levels of demand well differentiated.
- Futebol Robótico - Tamanho Médio (FRM)
- Futebol Robótico - Tamanho Pequeno (FRP)
- Classe de Condução Autónoma (CA)
- Futebol Robótico e Dança Juniores (FRJ e DJ)
- Busca e Salvamento / Rescue Junior (SP/BS/RJ)
The categories FRP, FRM and CA are directed to universities and polytechnicians, on the other side, FRJ, DJ and SP/BS/RJ are directed to high and professional schools.
Each team will have to be maioritariamente appointed by pupils of an institution of teaching. Nevertheless, it will be able to include teachers or even ancient pupils. Each team is appointed for, at most, six elements, in any of the categories. However, if the organization attributes supports to the participation, the number of elements that it can benefit of this support cannot be superior to four. The teams will have to have an institutional affiliation being able, however, to exist more than a team originating from the same institution. The admission of groundless teams institutional or originating from institutions not formative, e.g. enterprises, is subject to a particular decision to give out for the Organizing Commission that will have to, in case of acceptance, when is indicating which the category in which the inscription will be effectuated.
In case of the categories FRJ and DJ, the ages of the members students of the teams must be inside determined age levels. At present, these limits are:
FRJ: Two against two: age levels of the 8 to 12 (FRJ2x2a) and of the 13 to 19 years (FRJ2x2b). One against one: age level of the 8 to 12 years (FRJ1x1)
DJ: Age levels of the 8 to 12 (DJa) and of the 13 to 19 years (DJb).
BS: Level up to 14 years (SP/BS/RJa) and more than 14 years (SP/BS/RJb).
Notice: It is used like date of reference, for distinction of ages, the subsequent day to the last day of the publication of 2005 of the Robocup: On 20th of July of 2005. For example, they are considered in the level “ up to 14 years ” the contestants who should not complete 15 or more years up to the 20th of July of 2005.
The inscription is done by means of the filling out of a token where there is the identification of the constituent elements of the team as well as a name for the respective robot and the class in what will be going to compete.
The costs of the inscription are the indicated ones in the tokens of inscription of each categorie.
The inscription includes the access to the competitions in the regularized conditions, to an own space in the place of the competitions, with electric energy, for installation of the robot and of the team. Other services that come to be included in the inscription will be spread opportunely.
The inscriptions will have to be handed in hand or sent by mail or fax, up to date to announce opportunely, for the secretariate of the FNR. It is noticed that an inscription will be thought only valid if it will be accompanied by the respective payment.
Any inscription will be able to be cancelled up to 15 days after the respective date limit, being the paid amount returned to the team. Subsequent givings up implicate the loss of the spent amount.
Robótica 20XX official site

The Contest "RobôBombeiro" is a robotic competition what puts to the test small mobile and autonomous robots that have the mission to find and put out a fire simulated by a candle, in a model of a house formed by corridors and rooms.
The contest is organized by the Department of Computer science of the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão of the Instituto Politécnico da Guarda and it has the aim to promote robotics, which will be undoubtedly one of the key technologies of the century XXI, as well as provide an extracurricular interesting and amusing event, where the pupils could apply in practice, the knowledges you multidiscipline typically acquired in courses of engineering.
RoboBombeiro official site

Annually the University of Aveiro organizes a robotic contest, carried out normally in the middle of May of each year.
The "Micro-Rato" Contest, it's opened to all who want to compete and, in individual, to the pupils of the terminal years and postgraduation of courses like Engineering of Electronics and similar. The number and type of disciplines wrapped in the construction of a robot of the Micro-confirmed type make the technical enticing and educative challenge for any enthusiast of the electronics and of the computers. Saint necessary knowledges that go of the digital and analogical electronics, microprocessors (software and hardware), electronics of power, control, etc... These characteristics make the particularly attractive contest and motivador for most of the young persons and in individual for the students of the course of electronic engineering.
The teams will have to be appointed by two or three elements. At least one of the elements of the team will have to have email, which will be the way of contact used by the organization.
The teams will be able to use any components that they judge appropriate to the Contest. The organization disposes of some material for the construction of robots, what will be able to be made a request by the teams constituted by pupils of the DETUA. In individual, it disposes of a limited number of kits, motors and sensors. The teams who claim to use this material will have to present his candidature through the filling out of a form that can be obtained next to one of the elements of the organization. The criteria for attribution of these kits will privilege the teams constituted by pupils of the 4th and 5th 3rd thing years of the courses taught in the DETUA.
The resource to the use of the material made a request in the warehouse of the DETUA is subject to own regulation. The material supplied by the organization or made a request of the warehouse will have to be returned in the end of the contest.
Micro-Rato Rules and Regulation (Portuguese)

The "Cyber-rato" competition passes in environment simulated in computer. All the virtual robots have the same type of sensors and of actuadores. A simulator sends to each robot the measured values of the sensors, receive of the robots the commands on the motors, it updates the positions of the robots in the labyrinth. The teams participants prepare the algorithm and respective program that allows to them, through the fact sensory messengers for the simulator, to command the "motors" of his virtual robot of form to carry out the objectives established as the rules of the competition. The environment of simulation is developed in Linux. The organization will distribute the components of the system of simulation of way that the teams could develop and test his virtual robots. The teams must plan his robots using the programming languages C or C ++. The use of a different programming language of C or C ++, must be informed of the organization in the moment of the inscription, and it needs special authorization.
The teams will have to be appointed by two or three elements. At least one of the elements of the team will have to have electronic mail, which will be the way of contact used by the organization
Micro-Rato official site